🎮 ActualExclusives.Com


This website started with trying to find the answer to a very simple question. What games are exclusive to the Xbox Series X? Searching online for a list of games that are exclusive to the Xbox Series X gives you results that are complete nonsense. A small script was made to answer this question, and it was eventually expanded to this website that includes the ability to answer the original question and more.

Probably, if there is a specific way you want to filter the games and are unable to do so using the current website open up a issue on Github describing what you want.

For this website to function it basically needs to get an entire copy of MobyGame's API. Their API is limited to one request every 10 seconds and if a game is released on 5 different consoles it will take 6 API requests. With nearly 300,000 games in their database it will take quite some time until all of the information is imported into the database. In addition many API requests are used to import any information that is changed on MobyGames. Also results are truncated after the first 1,000 for perfomance reasons.